Monday, February 13, 2012

Symptoms of BPD

  • Inconsistent self image
  • Unsuitable anger
  • States of paranoia and loss of contact with reality
  • Continuous feelings of emptiness
  • Fluctuating mood swings
  • Suicidal behavior, ideation, and/or self harm
  • Impulsivness
  • Self-destructive behavior
  • Severe fears of abandonment
  • A pattern of erratic relationships


Weiss, Thomas. "Borderline Personality Disorder - Facts and Information." Disabled World Towards Tomorrow n.pag. Web. 13 Feb 2012.

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Boderline Personality Disorder; What Is It?

Borderline Personality Disorder AKA (BPD) is a type of mental illness that is identified by an inescapable instability in moods, behavior, self image, and even in relationships. The unstableness a person experiences may disturb their work, family life, their self identity, and their planning long term. It was originally thought to be borderline of psychosis; (this is not the case) however it really is a disorder of emotional regulation. It is not as well known as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, nevertheless it is more common. Experiencing BPD can be agonizing. The diagnosis is not readily handed out. Pyschiatrists are often hesitant to diagnosis this, If you experience the symptoms of BPD it is important you discuss the possibility. An honest and open relationship with a therapist and psychiatrist that you trust is tremendously important, not just for those with BPD, but all mental illnesses.

*Sources can be seen on my Bibliography Page